1895 Boston Triennial Jewel Set

The Indiana Grand Commandery is proud to offer this jewel set. The Crest was struck in 1895 to wear for the Boston Triennial.
Sales price $200.00
Boston Triannual Jewel Set
Description : The Indiana Grand Commandery is proud to offer this jewel set. The Crest was struck in 1895 to wear for the Boston Triennial. It uniquely displays the Seal of Indiana adjacent to the Lamb of God - in the words of John the Baptist upon Jesus’ baptism: ”Behold the Lamb of God which take away the sin of the World”, all of which is offset by the Passion and Templar Crosses emblematic of the Christian Warrior Knight. The jewel set is offered to raise funds for the Indiana Grand Commandery in order to defray Implementation of Increases in the per capita. The limited mint of this jewel set may be purchased for the sum of $200.00 directly, in person, or $219.00 by mail Including shipping and handling. Either Jewel may be worn on the Class A Uniform and the lapel pin is to be worn with the blazer and slacks. The cuff links are made to be worn with both.